Advisor, Offshore Operations - Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates - Focas

Verified Company
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

16 hours ago

Ahmed Al-Mansouri

Posted by:

Ahmed Al-Mansouri

beBee Recruiter


Advisor, Offshore Operations:

Job Responsibilities:

Provide technical advice and constructive input on all aspects of Group Companies and SPC companies on Production enhancement, Off-shore operations, maintenance and reliability management while ensuring that current and future production targets are met driving HSE & integrity performance, as per ADNOC mission and vision.

Key Accountabilities

  • Evaluate, recommend and advise on various technical issues related to production and operations to ensure that the utilization of surface production facilities / equipment is operationally and economically optimized and in conformity with ADNOC's guidelines and objectives.
  • Provide continuous support and advise in the governance of all Group Companies/SPC companies' business activities by coordination with internal ADNOC Units and contributes on the way forward to Group Companies/SPC companies.
  • Evaluate, recommend and advise to ADNOC Sole Risk and Exploration Operations, including attending meetings with the Group Companies, recommending the outline of production, scope of work and completion programs.
  • Identify, evaluate and endorse the way forward on the implementation of new production operation technology and best practices by attending relevant technical conferences, and manages the transfer of new technology and practices to and among the Group Companies and other external companies
  • Lead taskforces and attends Shareholders committees, regular / irregular meetings, workshops, and interacts with the Upstream Group Companies and SPC companies to discuss status of subsurface and surface development issues of technical nature to ensure longevity of facilities as well as smooth supply of oil and gas via coordinating shutdowns.
  • Develop and establish systems and procedures to monitor daytoday production and related activities including identifying, highlighting problem areas, discussing difficulties and recommending course of corrective actions for Management's approval. Ensures conformity with ADNOC's policies, technical standards, objectives and interests.
  • Evaluate, recommend and advise on the Feasibility Studies / Decision Support Packages made by the Group Companies/ consultants to optimize oil and gas production and facilities based on good field practice and ADNOC's production requirements.
  • Follow up on relevant engineering studies as initiated by the Department Manager, correlates results, and interprets findings in terms of action and decision as required.
  • Analyze, recommend and advise on Group Companies' monthly oil, gas and water production and injection operations, including daily/monthly production status reports.
  • Analyze, recommend and advise on production and related activities including identifying, highlighting constraints, discussing difficulties and recommending course of corrective actions to Management.
  • Review, evaluate and provide technical input on the technical scope of bidders list, tender documents, bid evaluation, and participates with the concerned personnel in approving the selection of the best bidder in respect of material cost and quality.
  • Contribute in the review of upstream correspondence as necessary, and defines/sets various procedure and endorsement of procedures.
  • Participate in the industry Shareholders technical audits of the Upstream Group Companies and SPC companies and follows up on the recommended action plans.
  • Provide support in the establishment of new companies to ensure proper integration of ADNOC's Production Units objectives.
  • Review, analyze and recommend on Group Companies quarterly performances and ensures alignment with ADNOC's objectives. Supports the OPCOs to achieve operation excellence through various development optimizations, sharing experience/lessons learnt and improving current practices.
  • Ensure the implementation and compliance by the Upstream Group Companies and SPC companies with ADNOC's Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) policies, procedures and applicable regulations related to Engineering & Production Department activities.
  • Ensure the implementation of new technologies recommended by ADNOC management to the Upstream Group Companies and SPC companies to enhance production and facilities processes and activities; to achieve Operation excellence through various development optimizations and sharing experience/lesson learnt; and improve current practices.
  • Work closely with the concession articles and advise the way forward for any shortfalls.

Generic Accountabilities


  • Plan, supervise and coordinate all activities in the assigned area to meet functional objectives.
  • Train and develop the assigned staff on relevant skills to enable them to become proficient on the job and deliver the respective section objectives.


  • Provide input for preparation of the Function/Division/Department/Section budgets, assist in the implementation of the approved

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